Campaign Strategy & Execution

Partner with Rock House for efficient and innovative paid campaigns.

Let’s do this!

Efficiency & Results

Structured for Success

Efficient & Sustainable Campaigns

This is the good stuff.  Your business has its infrastructure in place, and you’re ready to take the next step.  Or maybe you've run campaigns unsuccessfully and need to call in the big guns. Partner with Rock House for a nimble-yet-calculated approach to running paid campaigns.  

This is our wheelhouse, and it’s where we hope to land any client who seeks our services.  This is why we go the extra mile, including implementation of Offline Conversion Tracking (OCT) and utilization of Call Tracking with Conversational Intelligence.

Our goal is to provide campaigns that are unquestionably successful and sustainable.

Get More Value

Our lean structure means more of your budget goes to actual media, providing better performance and value than with other services. We'll develop a custom quote for your campaign based on the effort it takes us to run it, not necessarily how much you're investing.

Learn What Works

With us, your campaigns and budget won't wither away ineffectively. We pivot quickly as opportunities arise. There are times when a campaign in a certain channel is not sustainable or beneficial. Every campaign we run is structured to give us the data we need to make this decision and advise you accordingly.

Authenticity Always

We'll focus on what matters and won't steer you off-course by talking about what doesn't. Some metrics matter more than others. Some only matter in a certain context. It takes a focus on your success, not ours, to remain authentic. This is our guiding principle.

100% Personalized

Your first-class experience with Rock House starts at the very beginning. Your first touchpoint will be with the person who is actually building and running the campaign. This leaves no room for miscommunication and misunderstandings on the path from strategy to execution. We will also report on what matters most to you. No automated feeds or templates. All custom.

A Holistic View

Another advantage of Rock House is a lack of silos. Your strategist has expertise in various strategies, so if one is ineffective, we can quickly pivot or provide alternate recommendations. Paid search, various social platforms, and the Google network are our tools to achieve success on our partners' behalf. Most importantly, we know what to expect when running each of these strategies, and can identify when to scale up and when to bail out.

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We’d love to learn about your business and help you grow.
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