Marketing Audits

Uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your campaigns with Rock House.

Let’s do this!

Audit, Optimize, Succeed

If you're not sure if your campaign is working, it's probably not.

Navigate Digital Complexity

Is my digital marketing working? Is it sustainable?  

These are questions many business owners and marketing directors ask themselves.  The digital environment is complex, and when evaluating a campaign’s performance, every answer tends to lead to another question.  For each strategy, there are tons of variables that need to be taken into consideration.  This is why we dig deep.  There are no shortcuts.

Analytics & Measurement

Learn about your site's traffic volume and user quality

Paid Search Evaluation

Optimize your campaigns for cost-effective lead generation & sales

Social Media Insight

Learn if your social media presence is impacting your bottom line

We'll look at:

  • Costs: how your costs are impacting campaign performance
  • User quality: are you attracting users in the buying mindset?
  • Competitive landscape: how do you compare with your competitors?
  • Measurement: how equipped are you to measure campaign performance?

Two Potential Outcomes

We tell you a story that you can learn from, facilitating business growth and paying for itself over and over and over.

We confirm to you that your marketing is sound, providing a few recommendations but no major changes. You move forward with peace of mind and confidence that you’re on the right track.

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